Non-Fiction Starter Program with Barbara Dee

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Non-Fiction Starter Program with Barbara Dee

Over the course of 10 years, hundreds of first-time authors have used our company’s book publishing services for planning, writing, editing, and getting published. Yet, not every client follows through and realizes their dream of becoming a published author. With so many examples to review, we were able to analyze what made the real difference, what led to success and what didn’t. Our commitment is for every person who has a book inside of them, wanting to come out, to be empowered with the best guidance and tools possible to achieve success. 

The NON-FICTION STARTER PROGRAM evolved from our findings: If you start off on the right foot, your book writing journey is bound for success rather than frustration, pitfalls, and expensive mistakes. Even if you’ve never written an article, speech, blog, or book before, when you follow the steps and complete the exercises for you in this complete video and workbook training, you can be confident that your book project is on track for success.

Total due $97

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